Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I don't advocate for anarchy; we need laws.  I believe in social contract theory.  However, that being said, I am a conservative with libertarian leanings and believe in small government and laissez faire legislating.  In contrast to that, I also believe in having security (I can't stand peaceniks) from threats to the nation (national defense etc...) and civil security, which must be balanced against the civil liberties and freedoms the people in a free and democratic society enjoy.  I'm a rule of law boyscout when it comes to security and the institution.  Oh, there's a place for black ops too, but it's such a touch and go judgement issue that can so easily be misused by the wrong person.  I'm a seeming walking contradiction.  Or, as I like to view it, it's a lot of balance and is very subjective.  I am not a fence sitter; I like balance.  Nobody wins with anarchy.

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