Saturday, July 27, 2013

Fight Ideas Not People

I saw a picture on Facebook where they had pork tipped rifle rounds to kill Muslims with.  I was thinking about hating the enemy.  In WWII, we fought the Germans and learned to hate the Nazis.  But war isn't always like that, as the Americans learned in Vietnam, where the enemy looked like the side you were helping.  And, I thought that we aren't fighting a people; we're fighting an idea.  In Afghanistan, we aren't fighting the people; we're fighting the terrorists, the extremists.  I remember reading something in a magazine a very long time ago about a soldier "bagging a rag head" or something like that.  It was clear to me, as it was evident, the writer hated the enemy.  But, he hated the people; the allied people of Afghanistan, were they also not "rag heads"?  We have to fight ideas, not people.  Sometimes we have to fight the people who fight for those ideas, but we have to be able to stop on that line when we get to it without going over, and that isn't always easy.

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