Saturday, July 27, 2013

Pendulum Backlash

Dad used to say that society was like a pendulum in that opinion always went too far before it started to come back to the middle of the road.  Well, as somebody who has experienced discrimination at the hands of social engineering liberals, I guess I am the backlash.

Fight Ideas Not People

I saw a picture on Facebook where they had pork tipped rifle rounds to kill Muslims with.  I was thinking about hating the enemy.  In WWII, we fought the Germans and learned to hate the Nazis.  But war isn't always like that, as the Americans learned in Vietnam, where the enemy looked like the side you were helping.  And, I thought that we aren't fighting a people; we're fighting an idea.  In Afghanistan, we aren't fighting the people; we're fighting the terrorists, the extremists.  I remember reading something in a magazine a very long time ago about a soldier "bagging a rag head" or something like that.  It was clear to me, as it was evident, the writer hated the enemy.  But, he hated the people; the allied people of Afghanistan, were they also not "rag heads"?  We have to fight ideas, not people.  Sometimes we have to fight the people who fight for those ideas, but we have to be able to stop on that line when we get to it without going over, and that isn't always easy.


"We sing a little song in our struggle - you've heard it - We Shall Overcome. And by that we do not mean that we shall overcome the white man. In the struggle for racial justice the Negro must not seek to rise from a position of disadvantage to one of advantage, to substitute one tyranny for another. A doctrine of black supremacy is as dangerous as a doctrine of white supremacy. God is not interested in the freedom of black men or brown men or yellow men. God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race, the creation of a society where every man will respect the dignity and worth of personality. So when we sing We Shall Overcome, we are singing a hymn of faith, a hymn of optimism, a hymn of faith in the future."  Martin Luther King Jr.

Take the Fight to the Institutions of Learning

Stalin said that education was a weapon; he was right.  If conservatives are to win, we can't just fight at the poles.  We've already lost.  The education system churns out class after class, generation after generation, of liberals.  The public school system, a social institution ran by left leaning unionized teachers, shapes the minds of the young.  Those who go on to higher education, also attend institutions funded in part by a great amount of social spending.  Go figure that institutions that are the recipients of social spending show favor to (and teach) left leaning ideology.  The whole education system, from top to bottom, is biased.  This kids come out fighting mad, believing they are championing the right (correct).  They don't know anything else.  They don't know any better.  Institutions of higher learning are festering with liberal biased bigoted instructors.  The educated liberal elite are cultured, educated and enlightened products of this system who go on to be those limousine liberals who make the working class pay through the nose for the lifestyle of the lazy in their social engineering experiments.


I've been told that as far as a pandemic is concerned, it's not if but when.  It won't be the strong who have the best chance to survive, or the fit, or the smart.  As marrodding killers fend for themselves, it will be those who held on to their guns.

Limousine Liberals & the Lazy

While working like a slave for the meager possessions I have, I don't need a limousine liberal telling me to be benevolent to the lazy.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


This passage spoke so much to me about SSM.  Read it.  Think about it.  Pray.  St. Paul sure had a way with words.

Help Me To Be

Jesus, help me to be a better person.  Amen

Quotas Are Wrong

I was thinking that, because of the low number of successful African American Major League ball players--due in large part to the low number of African American players--we should do more to make a higher percentage successful.  We can do this by giving them four strikes for hitters and five balls for pitchers, while at the same time allowing them to catch the ball on the first hop for an out.  We can also lower the Mendoza line to .100 for players of African decent.  No?  Is this insulting to players of African decent?  Does this cheapen the game?  Is it unfair to Whites and Hispanics?  Then, why are work quotas okay?

Social Engineering

Liberals with their stupid social engineering policies are a lot like horses.  They keep going back to them, like a horse running into a burning barn for safety because it's the only safe place the horse knows.

Most Remarkable Man

From an atheist's point of view, grown intelligent men in our age of enlightened reason who follow the teachings of a Rabi from 2000 years ago make Jesus a most remarkable man.


I don't advocate for anarchy; we need laws.  I believe in social contract theory.  However, that being said, I am a conservative with libertarian leanings and believe in small government and laissez faire legislating.  In contrast to that, I also believe in having security (I can't stand peaceniks) from threats to the nation (national defense etc...) and civil security, which must be balanced against the civil liberties and freedoms the people in a free and democratic society enjoy.  I'm a rule of law boyscout when it comes to security and the institution.  Oh, there's a place for black ops too, but it's such a touch and go judgement issue that can so easily be misused by the wrong person.  I'm a seeming walking contradiction.  Or, as I like to view it, it's a lot of balance and is very subjective.  I am not a fence sitter; I like balance.  Nobody wins with anarchy.

Saturday, July 6, 2013


You know what happens when you dump money into a poor area on the map? They take it. Want change? End welfare.  They won't starve to death.  They'll become self sufficient. The only people that should be getting government handouts are people collecting ODSP.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Does it make liberals bigots (dictionary definition) to assume--and insist--I'm racist because I'm conservative?