Sunday, June 2, 2013

Everybody Wants to Sing the Blues

When I was in college, we talked a little about youth offenders who came from good homes and a good life.  I didn't understand it, really, at the time.  Without something, some pain, to push somebody to--or to justify--some evil, I didn't get it.  Well, after having witnessed it first hand, I don't understand it any better; however, I believe now that there is a human condition to seek out pain and suffering, sick as it sounds.  We want to know pain and suffering.  That's why we rush to accident scenes.  That's why we are attracted to drama or create it.  We all seek to be special, to have our unique condition.  I'm allergic to lilac bushes.  I have a sore back.  I'm depressed.  I need my meds.  I'm whatever.  To invoke pity in others?  To have attention?  We're addicted to the feeling?  We're controlled by the learned behavior?  Is it Freudian psychosomatic, caused by guilt etc...?  It's why we watch sad movies.  It's why we take sick pleasure in the suffering of others.  If we don't have problems in our lives, we create them so that we can sing the blues.  It's sick.  Now, prove me wrong.  No, no, I don't want your opinion.  Don't tell me that you believe that life is full of unicorns and rainbows.  Prove me wrong.

1 comment:

Please don't censor me; I am trying to be honest and it is not my intention to offend anybody. If I have offended you personally, I ask you to accept my apologizes, forgive me, and consider not visiting my blog for my benefit.