Sunday, June 9, 2013

Do You Hear Me?

The funny (not funny ha ha) thing is that a liberal won't be able to read my blog and understand it.  Because, as soon as they detect the slightest hint of conservatism, a mental block will go up.  They will listen but not hear.  I hear what they're saying, that we have to give more to those who they think are at a social disadvantage so that they do have an equal chance.  I hear it, and I disagree.  Stop treating people differently.  If we started treating everybody the same, then we all would be on an equal playing field.  Tit for tat, eye for eye righting of wrongs of the past is not fair to the evil white male majority.  I have felt the painful claws of discrimination first hand.  I can tell you that it didn't make me feel any less angry knowing that some non white person was given the job I was qualified for because their father and grandfather had not been.  We can't right wrongs with wrongs.  Dr. King said that he dreamed of a time when people would not be judged by the colour of their skin.  Handing out money creates people who become dependent; it enslaves them.  They become institutionalized.  Socialism and quotas are not the answer to social justice (I hate that term now) issues.

Or (because my white ancestors treated my native ancestors so despicably), we could plow the cities of North America under and send all the white people back to Europe, all the black people back to Africa, Israel for the Jews--Arabs to Arabia, kick all the French out of France and give it back to the Franks, remove the Turks from Turkey and give it back to the Greeks, remove the Spanish from Spain and hand it back to the Moors, and I don't know where the women go.  How can we unwrong them?

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