Thursday, May 30, 2013

How Sinful

Have you ever heard someone say that the more knowledge you acquire, the more you realize how little you know?  I was thinking the same can be said about faith.  The greater your faith, the more you understand how sinful you are.  I've observed that people judge those of faith; they think that people of faith think they are better than everybody else.  I think they are actually the ones who believe in their hearts that those of faith are better than they are, because their sin makes them believe it is so.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Just War

I got thinking about just war.  The idea was put forward by St. Augustine in the Christian world.  For generations, the Church supported war if it was just.  Now, politics, liberals, and peaceniks are opposed to war at any cost.  What changed?  I think we've become arrogant.  We put our faith in psychiatry, sociology, left wing ideologies, etc... and not God.  We value them more than the wisdom of the people of God for thousands of years, to our peril (thinking of the soldier killed on the streets of the UK recently--multiculturalism and political correctness, a debate for another time).  But, after all, we're smarter now than those simple minded pre industrial narrow minded cultists.  We have science.

A Talk

I had a good talk about SSM with a gay friend of mine.  I explained my thoughts on the opposition to it from a traditional Christian view.  Knowing that they have a hostile outlook toward evangelicals, I was heartened by our civil and respectful talk.  I felt like I really communicated well and conveyed the ideas.  I could be wrong, but I think that part of the problem with the ongoing SSM debate is that people (on both sides) are so hate filled that they don't listen.  There's no communication.  There's only lashing out.

Worship Science

For as much time as I spend on Facebook, I'm coming to hate it.  I read a post that said something like, "The sign of an educated mind is the ability to entertain an idea without accepting it."  The writer went on to say that they were specifically thinking about God.  I'm not an idiot.  What they're really thinking is that if I were open minded (not an imbecile), I'd see that science is real and God is not.  What I'm thinking they're saying is to worship science, not God.  The post is a borrowed statement, one that has been used to insult intellectual opponents for generations.