Monday, November 5, 2012


Cindy'd kill me if she knew I was writing this I think; but, years ago Cindy had a vision, although I don't think she'd admit it now.  She was at a funeral at St. Paul's Stratford, officiated over by Fr. Ted.  She said she didn't know if it was her own funeral, or that of a loved one.  She had this vision during the Maundy Thursday service.  Needless to say, it freaked me out large, but not her.  Anyway, when Tanya took over as rector of St. Paul's, I said to Cindy that the vision couldn't come true now because Fr. Ted wouldn't be the celebrant.  I remembered all of this after Tanya announced on Sunday that she was being appointed Executive Officer of the Bishop's Office.  So, may God prevent it from coming true, like He spared the people of Nineveh in the Old Testament, in Jesus' name.  Amen.

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