Monday, November 5, 2012

There is no more Rogg.

A good while ago, Cindy got Barb and Ross Penton's e-mail address from them for some reason.  I was supposed to e-mail something.  When I sent it, it bounced.  I sent it to, or an address very like it.  Barb and Ross have/had such an amazing faith.  Ross was said to have not been afraid of dying.  He's supposed to have said as much, and that his last words were that it was time to go up.  Barb said that she's not as sad as she could be, because he's not suffering and she knows where he is.  Cindy surprised me, as she often does, with her own faith; she said that Ross must be so happy to be back with his son David.  She calls me the religious one, but her faith surprises me at times.  Today was Ross' funeral.  He was involved in so much, and had touched so many lives.  His, like Glen's funeral, was standing room only.  Or, as I like to say, you couldn't have fit any more people with a six foot shoe horn.  I regrett not taking Ross' offer to help him chop wood.  Now, I never will.  I can't remember why he asked now.  Did he want to pay me to help me out?  Did he need the help himself?  Was he just looking for company?  I'll never know.  Death sucks.  It takes loved ones from their families and friends, never to see them in this life again.  Death really is shitty.

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