Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I've been sitting on a few posts for a long time, and I'll post a few here now starting with this one.

A friend of Cindy's died this summer. She was 32. She used to think I hated her. To be honest, I didn't hate her; I just found that she had a very abrasive personality. She dated my brother for a while off and on and opinions formed. You can't like everybody I always say. But, you can love everybody. There is nobody in this world that I hate. God willing, it will always be that way. Anyway, to the point of the post: I took her death hard; I don't mean that I was weeping and in morning. I was in shock and maybe feeling a little guilty, but very much in shock. Shock and disbelief. My own mortality also stuck me like a wet bail of hay (you'd have to be a farmer). The whole thing hit me hard and had lasting and reoccurring affects. It caused memories and affects to resurface from the car crash a few years ago too. It really bothered me more than I would come to understand while I was at the wake, which was very sad and surreal.

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