Saturday, November 26, 2011

Not So Sure

So the other day I was talking with a gay guy at work. I was telling him all about how St. Paul said that Jesus had released us from the law. I said that Christians can be some of the most judgemental people in the world. I guess I was feeling pretty good about the things that I'd said and that I'd done my job for the day. Then, I went home and the next office I did had a scripture reading from the new testament, from the 5th chapter of Matthew. The part about the least of the laws not being done away with really gave me a kick in the pants. Read Matthew 5:17-20 if you'd like. Am I to be the least in the kingdom of heaven? This whole issue would be so simple if God didn't exist. It would be a snap. By human standards: It isn't fair; it's not right; it's not equality; it's not 21st century; it allows hate to grow; it permits discrimination; it's archaic; it's backward; it's close minded; it's wrong. All I can think of is the Psalm that states God's ways are not our ways and try to work through it, but it's not very comforting.

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