Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gay Lunch

One of my crusading Facebook friends posted something the other day that I again found inflammatory. It said something like, "I support Gay Marriage, or as I like to call it, marriage; because, when two gays have lunch, it's not gay lunch. It's just lunch." I get the message, but it's not that easy. And, it makes me angry that they are so intolerant. So, is the Gay Pride Parade just Parade? Are gay rights activists fighting for gay rights, or just rights for all? I don't think this is really about civil rights; this is just about having the freedom to choose to live how ever you want to live. Don't hide behind civil rights. Gays are not a race or nationality. Maybe history will look back and label me a bigot, but there are truths here. The meaning of life, as my Darwinist friends like to believe, is to procreate. If this is true, then homosexuality is counterproductive. There's evidence to support people being genetically predisposed to being alcoholics. That doesn't then mean that it's good for people to drink their lives away. Nature says it's wrong, the Bible says it's wrong (according to some anyway), and most people feel it is wrong (although they are now too afraid to say so--you could loose your job). It's much like the Bolsheviks leading the communist revolution in Russia; nobody knew how close run a thing it actually was. They were in the minority, but they held all the power. I suspect that if we had a referendum, it would go the same way it did in California. And, they may even blame the "blacks" for it (which seems to be very ironic when fighting for "civil rights"). I don't know if it's genetic, biological, or learned behavior. I don't. I don't even believe 100% that it's wrong (for everybody) anymore; read my older posts. I don't even care if gay people want to live together and be "married". They should have all the legal rights (and tax breaks) of any other person. My feelings change though when we get into the area of the religious rite or sacrament of marriage. But, please, lets have dialog here; listen to and respect my beliefs before you just write me off as a bigot. Separate Church and state people.

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