Thursday, September 22, 2011


I'm getting so sick of politics in Church. This week, I've noticed signs on the lawns of two Anglican Churches in town, one being my own. They don't advocate a party exactly. They say something like, "Vote to end poverty." Sound good? Aside from the fact that Jesus said that the poor would always be with us (and I'm not getting into that here), it really says vote Liberal. Liberalism is rife in the Anglican Church these days. I don't like to mix my politics and Church. They believe that ending poverty means throwing money at the problem. But, to truly end poverty, you need to teach a man to fish. I think the answer is jobs, for everyone. Job creation, it is the answer; and, I believe that jobs are created when business thrives. Furthermore, I believe businesses thrive when government cuts red tape, reduces regulation, and cuts taxes. Tax cuts create jobs. I will be voting PC.

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