Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pi$$ed Off

A lot of my Facebook friends have been posting the following on their status, and it pi$$es me off:

"Let me get this straight...Charlie Sheen can make a "porn family", Kelsey Grammer can end a 15 year marriage over the phone, Larry King can be on divorce #9, Britney Spears had a 55 hour marriage, Jesse James and Tiger Woods, while married, were having sex with EVERYONE. Yet, the idea of same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage? Really? Re-post if you are proud to support equal rights."

First off, it's inflammatory. This is a contentious issue. Second, it's narrow minded and intolerant; anybody who disagrees or questions is a bigot. Third, the people listed above are not shinning examples of righteousness. That'd be like me saying, "let me get this apple is a fruit, an orange is a fruit, but now you're going to tell me that a grape is a fruit? Really?"

So, what to say. Should anything be said? Well, I could flip the Bible open and find where St. Paul says that it's wrong. But, if it turns them against Christ then I have failed. I don't want to set up a stumbling block. And, being right is not always paramount. Plus, I'm not 100% sure it is wrong for everybody. And, I'm not talking about relativism. If I believe it is wrong, does that mean it's wrong for everybody? St. Paul said he had to be all things to all men. He also said if you're brother believed it was wrong to eat something, don't eat it in front of him. And, if your brother believes a certain day is Holy and observes it to honour God, let him. Don't set up stumbling blocks. Food for thought?

The thing that gets my goat is liberals trying to impose their views on the Church and the whole of society. It's been "wrong" for thousands of years. Why is it right now? Is it just because society says it is? If that's the case, how can it be justified from a religious or scriptural stand point? And, is it an equal rights issue? Or, have liberals just made us believe it is through association? Have you ever read After the Ball? Give it a quick look. Is marriage a right? Where does marriage have it's roots? If it's a religious rite, and religion says it's wrong, is liberalism changing religion? Lets be clear about everything and not play mind games.

It is a very confusing and contentious issue.

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