Saturday, March 12, 2011


Lent is supposed to be a time of preparation for Easter, a time of deeper prayer and perhaps fasting along with self reflection. For some, Lent is wrong. It's "too Catholic" or it's a pagan festival or what ever. I say, what's in your heart? What's your intension? Are you doing it to honour God? I really like Lent. For me, it's a call to prayer, to Holyness. I try to pray more. And, for the past five years or more I've given up something. Last year I gave up not running; I ran more. The year before that it was coffee (I slipped up on the coffee one). Before that it was the computer. But, the prayer is important too.

For me, prayer is a weapon (to fight spiritually), a tool (to ask for healing for others and protection and our daily bread), a comfort (in times of distress), a means of communication (to talk to God), worship (a form of devotion to God), and so many other things. Enjoy your Lent. Pax!

Some Lent Stuff:

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