Saturday, March 12, 2011

Even More on Marriage

"I'm going to have the carpenter come over to hang new cupboards in the kitchen tomorrow," somebody might say. Now, when I say cupboards, I think of boxes with doors and shelves hanging on the wall in the kitchen. But, at one time, it was literally cup boards on the wall, shelves on which to put cups. Even though it is slight, the meaning has changed. English is a living language, and so words and meanings change. The Holy Ghost is now the Holy Spirit. To most people, the word catholic means the Church of Rome. Hermit means anybody who lives alone, not a monk. State means political district (New York State), not a sovereign nation. Doctor means a medical doctor, not somebody with a PhD. Breakfast means the morning meal, not breaking the night time fast (religious practice). In the 1700s a Republican was a liberal, now a Republican is a conservative. God meant Jehovah, now God means higher power/supreme being etc.... Hall means hallway. Tomahawk meant war axe, now it's a guided missile. Icon was a religious visual representation, now it's a computer graphic. Are means our in general conversation (forgive us are sins as we forgive those who sin against us).

The word marriage has come to mean anybody who cohabits in a sexual relationship. This is not what marriage means. Marriage is defined in the Bible. Abraham and Sarah were married. My definition of marriage is not the same as society's definition. Marriage is a religious rite that joins a man and a woman.

An older Lutheran man once said something to me that really stuck with me. He said that many marriages fail because they don't have God in them. He said most people think it's just two people. But, according to him, there are three persons in a marriage, husband, wife, and God. If you have God in your marriage, it will be strengthened. What God has joined together let no man....

I don't care if you want to have bigamy, polygamy, bestiality, same sex union, extraterrestrial probing, it's not marriage. Your marriage is not my marriage. You say marriage and mean sexual union and cohabitation. My marriage is so much more. My marriage is a religious rite. It is a union of a man and a woman. It is based in faith, religion, tradition, and respect, made by God. The legal definition of marriage being changed to suit others is destructive and hateful. Changing the Highway Traffic Act to make trucks include cars does not make your car a truck. No matter how much you want it, you have a car. Everybody should be equal under the law in this country. I don't care if two men want to live together in a sexual relationship. And, they should have all the same legal rights as I have. I also have my freedom of religion, in which marriage is as listed above. The government can't change that. Ralph Klein was so so right; the government needs to get out of the marriage business. They're perverting (changing and destroying) a religious rite. There should be a separation of Church and State anyway, right?

The Church changing the rite to suit society's views is sad, and a whole other issue.

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