Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ritual, Structure, Dreams, Visions, etc....

Some people think that ritual is evil in and of itself. But who are we to judge someone's heart? It's all about intent. Ritual can become an idol, yes, if we put it before God. And do we need to have dreams, visions, etc... to be Christian? Daniel prayed three times a day, religiously. That sounds like ritual and structure. I guess God fed him to the lions then. Seven times a day David worshiped God, like a monk. But, I guess God didn't visit favour on him either eh? What about St. Francis (Assisi)? When did God speak to him? When he was in the middle of a very structured style of prayer? I guess he wasn't rewarded with a vision then. And, speaking of visions and dreams and stuff, must we have them to be a Christian? Whatever happened to blessed are those who believe not having seen?

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