Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Save the Lord's Prayer?

William Ramier wrote
at 11:03pm
I've been mulling this one over for a while. Some time ago, the Liberal government in Ontario decided to get rid of the Lord's Prayer in the legislature. I even heard some Christians say that they agreed with this. Their reason was that if people are forced to say it, they don't mean it. They don't respect it etc.... This is the same reasoning that had God's name removed from the Bible. Anyway, I think it stinks of atheism and secularism and anti Christian sentiment to name but a few things. This country was founded by Christians. God is in our constitution. Canada was founded on the belief in God. The sad irony is that, as we remove more and more of our Christianity from our society, we breed more and more atheists. Removing the Lord's prayer to be more tolerant toward others is not a Christian value; it's a republican value. Why is that more important? I'm not saying we should advocate theocracy. But this land was founded on God by Christians, not republican atheists. I'm just trying to support and grow the faith; and, I see it being eroded everywhere in our society.

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