Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Me, Judge?

William Ramier wrote at 4:52am
On more than one occasion now, I have been accused of judging somebody. When confronted with this accusation, I reflect on what has been said. I don't believe that I have. God loves everybody equally. They have the same chance of salvation as I do. I can't look at somebody and tell if they're bound for hell. Sometimes I think that what is actually going on is that they judge themselves. They look at my Christian life, and become angered. It reminds me of the scripture that says help your enemy and you heap coals on him. I think they look at the wrong in their life, which they themselves see as wrong, and look at my Christian life (what they actually see is God's light shining through me) and judge themselves. (And, people who do wrong hide from the light because the light shows everybody their sin). If they only knew; I am not good. I am as deserving as anybody of a one way ticket to hell. It's Jesus who paid the price for my sins. That's the only reason. It's because I'm a Christian that I try my best to live a good life. It's not to earn my salvation. Because, we can not earn salvation through works. I myself see my sins, and am ashamed. They are ever before God. Jesus did all this for me. Trying to live for him is a very little thing to ask.

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