Sunday, March 3, 2024

And so God gave me a daughter

And so God gave me a daughter.

I wanted somebody, as a child who would be close to me.  Relationship was important.

I'd head that children were closer to parents of the opposite sex.

And so God gave me a daughter.

I wanted somebody, as a child, who would be smart, intelligent.  

It was a value instilled in me by my father.  And, I've been told that girls are pretty smart.  I think she 

may be the smartest person I know.

And so God gave me a daughter. 

I was looking for a child, a special person whom I could protect and provide for.

I wanted somebody whom, I hoped, would always need me.

And so God gave me a daughter.

I wanted somebody who had a high EQ.  I feel emotion.  I was always taught to cover it up.

I tend to bottle up my emotion, and have been called cold.  With my wife, she has taught me.

And so God gave me a daughter.

Somebody so special, a new kind of love was shown to me that I previously did not understand.

Until you have a child of your own, you can only wonder.  Until you are the Father of a little girl

you can only imagine what that love is like.

And so God gave me a daughter.

Being evil is to put your own interests before the needs of others.

Love is sacrifice, giving of yourself for others.  It's interesting how a father will sacrifice for a daughter.

And so God gave me a daughter.

I have few special people in my life for whom I would sacrifice to the maximum.

I only have one daughter for whom I would do almost anything to protect.  That is a unique feeling.

And so God gave me a daughter. 

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