Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Work Gossip

Reading Proverbs Ch 11 tonight, I'm reminded of work.  So many times, I hear people slander others, rather than build them up.  I ask them to support, not attack.  Build people up.  Attack the problem.  I find people so negative.  The office becomes a mire of office politics like strength sapping quicksand.  Positivity breeds positivity.  Gossip destroys trust.  It breeds contempt and an adversarial approach in opposition to team focused problem solving.  They complain, incessantly, about others, their faults, their failings.  Rarely--even when prompted--do they think in a constructive manner, support, assist to develop the skill needed, to convince in order to foster understanding and buy in.  Finger pointing is just plain laziness, and now I'm doing it, ironically.  Although, I do ask, "How can we build them up, make them better?"  It really is a betrayal, at the foundational level, for a support department to commit slander.  And, it really does uncover truths, for those with the intellect to find them.

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