Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Faith, Grace, Works

I've been watching a new--new to me--YouTube personality who is a Christian apologist.  Even though he is rude and bombastic, I have been attracted to his videos on Islam and on the Trinity.  He has--over the life of his ministry--become a Catholic.  Turning on Protestantism, he attacks what he claims are Protestant beliefs.  I think his conversion had more to do with his interaction with kind Catholic people at a low point in his life than with doctrine, but who am I to judge a fellow servant of the Master.

One of his attacks is on the idea of salvation through faith, not works.  My own father used to say that Catholics denied the sacrifice of Christ as being payment in full for our sins, the totality of the payment once and for all time.  He had a saying he was fond of, Dad, that went, "I'm out for Supper and when the bill comes, I realize that I don't have my wallet.  Jesus says, 'Don't worry.  I got it,' as he pays the bill in full."  I always believed that Works were a sign of salvation, not a way to earn it.  But, my YouTube pundit would argue--actually, he would ban me from his channel--with me about works.   ...were I foolish enough to challenge him.

Well, tonight, I felt that the Bible passage that I read in Romans Ch 9 made it pretty clear.  The Hebrews who tried to salvation through the Law failed.  They tried to find salvation through works.

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