Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Woke From a Dream

 I had a dream last night that I was in some kind of Woke training at work.  I was getting so mad and arguing with the contractor who was doing the training.  They were pushing Critical Race Theory and blaming White people for everything.  I thought I was going to get fired.

I talked about the Toronto Police Service turning me away in 2009 because I wasn't a minority.  I talked about being refused service in Quebec in the 80s being an Anglophone.  I talked about the running standard in 1998 for the mile and a half for men vs. women.  I said that I wouldn't have White Privilage in China, and that it's not attributed to race or skin colour, this privilege.  And, Caucasians are in the minority; there are less than 2 billion of us in the world, I said. Where was my privilege when I needed it.  I even payed my own way through college.  I told the room that the gold standard was judging an individual by the content of their character rather than by the colour of their skin!  I was so angry.  I accused the contractor instructor of being raciest, attributing characteristics to me based on skin colour.  I said that it was a violation of the Ontario Human Rights code to force me to sit through the training; I was experiencing discrimination based on colour.  As a matter of fact, I went on to say that, I was being harassed; the contractor was using vexatious comments and aught to have known that they would be unwelcome.  I awakened from my dream before I was fired.  So angry, I couldn't get back to sleep.

It's coming, this Woke BS.  I've already sat through a training in the past year where they've broached the Woke ideology, introducing inherent bias (unconscious bias?) as a proven theory, the Canadian Mental Health Association I think.

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