Saturday, July 15, 2023

That we may perfectly love You, and worthily magnify Your holy name

I was praying the Penetential Office the other day, when I got to the, "cleans the thoughts of our hearts," part, when my mind went off on a tangent. 

I thought, "when it says heart, it means mind.  Because, long ago people thought intent and emotion formed in the heart.  But, how does dopamine and serotonin factor in, endorphins?  Does He give us a support to cope with biochemicals?  Or, maybe counter them?  I mean, I believe that we are more than just animals, more than just a meat computer.  We have free will.  

Does He protect us from biochemistry when He cleanses our hearts?  Or, does He give us spiritual strength to deal with it?"  It would be interesting to have the perspective of somebody from NA or AA, I think.

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