Sunday, November 27, 2022

Why am I sad?

I broke two running records this month.  I broke a lifetime distance personal record of 17km when I recorded 12.35 mi this month.  Today, I replaced a personal record that I set on Garmin in 2019, running a 38 minute and change 5k run.  So, why am I sad tonight?  It makes no sense to me. 

Is it because I don't know why?  Maybe?  That could be part of it.  Past regrets maybe?  Opportunities missed?  The road not taken?  Melancholy? 

Why so forlorn?  I should be happy at 47 that I can do this.  Actually, yesterday I thanked God that I can still run.  It's a gift.

The mind is a strange thing.  This needs exploration.  I don't get it.  Maybe I should sleep on it.  To sleep, perhaps to dream...

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