Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Open Letter to Pierre Poilievre

I did vote for you.  But, I won't be an ass kisser and pretend that I didn't support Leslin Lewis.  

From 2015, when I lost all faith in the Canadian electorate in what became nothing more than a high school student council president election popularity contest won on name recognition, I watched your speeches in the House of Commons with interest and hope. 

"This guy can speak!  ...and he has it figured out," I thought.  I hoped you'd run for leadership.  I even asked you to on Facebook Messenger.  You didn't.  I supported Leslin.

This time, you did run.  But, I'm nothing if not loyal.  I had to support Leslin, loyal to a fault maybe.  I like what she had to say.  She represents me.  I can say the same of you.  So, no matter who wins, I win.

I can't pretend that I voted for you in the top spot on the ballot.  I financially supported Dr. Lewis.  I could be said to have bet on the wrong horse.  But, I did right by me.  This above all else...

Now that it looks like you have the leadership in the bag, I will support you.  I will campaign for you.  I hope you are the next Prime Minister, if for no other reason than to rein in government spending.  ...protect our rights, and give us small government. 

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