Saturday, September 10, 2022

Fw: Failure Notice

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I was playing a D&D session recently in which the party took a job to wipe out advancing Orcs.  It was to become an ethical dilemma. 

As we entered the Orc encampment, we encountered little resistance. Then, the city guards who were with us started to slaughter Orc babies and families hiding in tents in the Orc camp..

Most of the party called for our side to stand down.  The guards continued the slaughter.  I turned on the guards.  I attacked them.  I saved an Orc mother.  Then, our own party member killed her.  

After the last of the guards had been felled, we turned to look at Orc rescue for the two Our survivors.  In the PvP arguement that ensued, one PC said that the job we were paid for was to wipe them out.  The counter from our Barbarian was that we were not in the business of killing innocents. 

The reply was that this was the natural order, the strong wiping out the weaker tribes and that they were too close to town and civilization.  

That raised my ire.  Was it too close to home?  I--of course--saw North American Indigenous peoples in my mind's eye.  And, the statement above angered me.  The first time I experienced anger over this issue, it was new to me.

I actually acted in anger.  I retaliated by stabbing a guard through the heart with my horns (Satyr), not effective but emotional escalation of agression. 

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