Saturday, October 2, 2021

AR - 15

People are so afraid of things that they have been taught to fear that they just don't think.  I was walking my beagle once when I ran into some teenage girls in a park.  They said, "what a cute dog!  Can we pet it?  What kind of dog is it?"  When I replied that she was a beagle, they misheard.  "Pitbull!?"  They recoiled as if touching a hot stove.

"No, beagle.  She's friendly."

Informational Social Influence makes us idiots.  We loose the ability to think and we conform to Group Think to go along with what everybody else believes.  ...without knowing anything about the issue or doing any investigation.  

If reason truly sets us apart from the animals, God help us and preserve Critical Thinking.  Amen.

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