Monday, August 9, 2021

Pardon me Farther, but you seemed to have stepped in your disdain.

We've become so intolerant.  We have gotten to the point where family members stop talking to each other because "they like Trump."  It's a very sad state of affairs.  We no longer tolerate the diversity of opinion in social engagements nor in society.  Worse, we can no longer have civil discourse to seek out the truth or at least explore other options and evaluate the best way or policy.  But, family isn't the only place this happens.

In Anglican circles, the expression used in resent times it to "draw the circle wide;" this means to bring into the circle or group all those who are different and marginalized, as we seek to include the gay person, the immigrant, the transitioning person, the environmental activist or extremest, the returning terrorist, the Marxist, the Wiccan.  We actively seek to include what has traditionally been the outsider.  At the same time, we push out the orthodox.  We ridicule the believer in scripture.  While shouting how inclusive we are, we make no room--and keep it that way--for the bigot, the traditionalist, the conservative, the Free Market Capitalist.  What did St. Paul mean when he said "to be all things to all men?"

Social media and algorithms that reinforce our views are to blame for a lot of our division.  But, we've also lost the ability to think critically.  Social scientists know that we seek out association with like minded individuals, and that this in turn reinforces our rightness.  What social media helps do is, it protects us from alternative views to a larger degree while bombarding us with our own view.

We have become way, way to intolerant of diversity.  The irony is that most people believe they seek the opposite.  People loose their jobs over what they believe.  We have thought police, cancel culture.  You can't tell me that believing a gay man is transphobic because he doesn't want to lick another man's vagina isn't the hallmark of ridiculous intolerance. 

We have gone off the deep end.

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