Friday, April 23, 2021

Sad Day

An eighty six year old friend of mine has had her children decide to sell her house and put her in a "home".  It seems so undignified. 

She was such a strong conservative lady and friend, and it's all so sad.  She has to leave her beautiful home that her and her husband shared for fifty years. 

The Devil's Advocate in me asks, "is it only about money?  Is it because they won't care for her themselves?  Can't she do a stay at home program where a nurse visits?"  But, I don't know their motives...or her health for that matter. 

A generation ago, there were three generations living in the family farm house. Now, we shuffle off our old people.  Nobody wants them. 

I shouldn't speak. My own biological father is in a retirement home. I can say that it's because I don't have power of attorney and am estranged from my brother. I can say it's because he burned his bridges with my wife. The fact remains that he is there. Old. Lonely. Alone. 

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