Sunday, April 25, 2021

I keep being g misunderstood and misrepresented on the lockdown issue.

I keep being misunderstood and misrepresented on the lockdown issue.  I never said or claimed the following:

● COVID-19 is a hoax
● The pandemic isn't real
● People aren't dying 
● I'm not at risk
● We should do nothing 
● I'm an anti vaxer

This is what I am accused of as soon as I open my mouth to speak.  I'm actually pro mask, in that I believe they help.

Here is what I believe:

● Masks help slow the spread
● There's a high probability COVID-19 is.          synthetic 
● The lock down does more harm than good because,
● It tracks up public debt while closing down businesses, and
● People's mental is suffering significantly 
● We are definitely over reacting
● The media is whipping us into a frenzy 
● This is Moral Panic
● The public is mostly fear motivated 
● The press conflates infections with danger
● The mortality rate is actually very low
● We need to do more to protect those at high risk
● I am not at high risk
● We need to put this in perspective 
● More people died from both heart disease and cancer in 2020
● Approximately 50 people died in Huron-Perth in 2020 from COVID-19 
● 16 000 died in Canada from COVID-19 in 2020
● 60 000 died from heart disease 
● Big Macs are not locked down
● The WHO reported there was no flu in all (gone)
● The mortality rate is currently at about 2% in the developed world
● Fact:  There was a lab in Wuhan China working on mutating the coronavirus 
● Officials tell us there is no "proof " that the virus escaped 
● You're labeled a conspiracy theorist if you reference the lab
● You can't catch it twice
● Once vaccinated, you can't transmit it
● As it mutates, it becomes more contagious but less lethal
● We are weakening our immune systems 
● Post Modernist Neo-Marxists are using this to effect an economic system Reset on a global level to redistribute wealth
● Socialism has never worked
● Civil liberties and constitutional rights are being trampled on, no question that they are
● I'm not a conspiracy theorist 
● I don't want people to die
● I am not greedy 
● I'm looking at numbers and facts
● I'm thinking critically 

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