Thursday, April 22, 2021

Jesus The Man

Looking in from the outside, from a secular perspective, if Jesus was just a man, the following thought occurred to me:  It’s ironic, given that atheists joke about Jesus saying, “Do you know who my father is,” that He was actually killed because of Him saying that He was the Son of GOD.  He, if He was just a man, was either crazy or very driven and focused.  One would have to me to put oneself on par with GOD.  But, here’s the thing, He was a brilliant teacher and coach, compelling evidence that He was not mad.  He must have believed He was who He said He was.  If He believed it and He wasn’t mad…


On a side note, as I prepare to teach Harassment here at work this morning, it strikes me as odd how many times a day I am exposed to blasphemy with impunity; there is no reprimand, nor filter, for those who take the Lord’s name in vain.

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