Sunday, April 25, 2021

I keep being g misunderstood and misrepresented on the lockdown issue.

I keep being misunderstood and misrepresented on the lockdown issue.  I never said or claimed the following:

● COVID-19 is a hoax
● The pandemic isn't real
● People aren't dying 
● I'm not at risk
● We should do nothing 
● I'm an anti vaxer

This is what I am accused of as soon as I open my mouth to speak.  I'm actually pro mask, in that I believe they help.

Here is what I believe:

● Masks help slow the spread
● There's a high probability COVID-19 is.          synthetic 
● The lock down does more harm than good because,
● It tracks up public debt while closing down businesses, and
● People's mental is suffering significantly 
● We are definitely over reacting
● The media is whipping us into a frenzy 
● This is Moral Panic
● The public is mostly fear motivated 
● The press conflates infections with danger
● The mortality rate is actually very low
● We need to do more to protect those at high risk
● I am not at high risk
● We need to put this in perspective 
● More people died from both heart disease and cancer in 2020
● Approximately 50 people died in Huron-Perth in 2020 from COVID-19 
● 16 000 died in Canada from COVID-19 in 2020
● 60 000 died from heart disease 
● Big Macs are not locked down
● The WHO reported there was no flu in all (gone)
● The mortality rate is currently at about 2% in the developed world
● Fact:  There was a lab in Wuhan China working on mutating the coronavirus 
● Officials tell us there is no "proof " that the virus escaped 
● You're labeled a conspiracy theorist if you reference the lab
● You can't catch it twice
● Once vaccinated, you can't transmit it
● As it mutates, it becomes more contagious but less lethal
● We are weakening our immune systems 
● Post Modernist Neo-Marxists are using this to effect an economic system Reset on a global level to redistribute wealth
● Socialism has never worked
● Civil liberties and constitutional rights are being trampled on, no question that they are
● I'm not a conspiracy theorist 
● I don't want people to die
● I am not greedy 
● I'm looking at numbers and facts
● I'm thinking critically 

Friday, April 23, 2021

Sad Day

An eighty six year old friend of mine has had her children decide to sell her house and put her in a "home".  It seems so undignified. 

She was such a strong conservative lady and friend, and it's all so sad.  She has to leave her beautiful home that her and her husband shared for fifty years. 

The Devil's Advocate in me asks, "is it only about money?  Is it because they won't care for her themselves?  Can't she do a stay at home program where a nurse visits?"  But, I don't know their motives...or her health for that matter. 

A generation ago, there were three generations living in the family farm house. Now, we shuffle off our old people.  Nobody wants them. 

I shouldn't speak. My own biological father is in a retirement home. I can say that it's because I don't have power of attorney and am estranged from my brother. I can say it's because he burned his bridges with my wife. The fact remains that he is there. Old. Lonely. Alone. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Jesus The Man

Looking in from the outside, from a secular perspective, if Jesus was just a man, the following thought occurred to me:  It’s ironic, given that atheists joke about Jesus saying, “Do you know who my father is,” that He was actually killed because of Him saying that He was the Son of GOD.  He, if He was just a man, was either crazy or very driven and focused.  One would have to me to put oneself on par with GOD.  But, here’s the thing, He was a brilliant teacher and coach, compelling evidence that He was not mad.  He must have believed He was who He said He was.  If He believed it and He wasn’t mad…


On a side note, as I prepare to teach Harassment here at work this morning, it strikes me as odd how many times a day I am exposed to blasphemy with impunity; there is no reprimand, nor filter, for those who take the Lord’s name in vain.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


If the Holy Spirit works in a child at infant baptism without their conscious knowledge, consent, or understanding, how can a priest justify withholding baptism from a child whose parents request it as a rite of passage or for requesting booking a time to get their kid done because the parents don’t understand? 

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Dragon Dream

Last night's weird dream:  So, I was back on my childhood farm.  There was a dragon outside the stable.  It was only about three feet long, powerful, dangerous, and malevolent. I pulled off it's wings, as a sadistic child might do to a fly, and let it go.  I entered the barn where family members were.  Before long, they were panicked and trying to evacuate/escape the coming wrath which was retaliatory against my actions.  I don't remember a lot more.  I got a sense of "what have you done" from them.