Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Frog and The Scorpion

You just can't help but get a dig in at Doug Ford.  😐  I wish we could keep politics out of Church. It was supposed to be an informative charity pitch, and I was with you until the Ford bashing.

To be fair, the cuts are necessary because of the Liberals.  They were not good stewards.  They not only spent every cent that they took from us in taxes, they borrowed more money to spend to buy votes from the electorate.  We have no choice but to cut now.  We have to be responsible, or there will be no money later for what we need.  If I have $75 in interest payments on my Mastercard every month, that's $75 less I have to spend on pizza, work boots, rent, etc...  As it is now, the INTEREST on the Ontario debt--the fv3 <ing interest--would build a new hospital in the province every 90 days.  We have to make cuts.  We've been irresponsible.  And...AND!, we're passing the bill to our fv3 <ing kids!  We can live comfortably with all the services we want--they won't be able to--and they will pick up our bill for us.  How selfish is that?  I've been told that it is the fourth budget line item!  Interest on the debt!

P.S.  Search my blog for "Ahh".

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