Friday, May 3, 2019

Contrived Grievances

For most of civilization, women were subservient.  They were property.  They were kept down by society, not men.  Many women didn't want the right to vote (responsibilities came with that right), nor did they want to work outside the home in the "man's" world.  Many did not think it even possible.  Women's suffrage raised women up.  They were given the right to vote.  Anti-discrimination laws were written for the work place.  Equal pay laws were passed.  They were given equal rights under the law.  For a time, we enjoyed equality.  But, the pendulum kept moving to the left, not stopping in the middle.  Empowered women were now victims again.  Untested unquestionable manufactured theories were produced, implemented, and enforced.  Terminology like Toxic Masculinity, Benevolent Sexism, and Unconscious Bias became just some of the weapons of the left to seek special rights and privileges, over and above equality, is something called equity.  I guess lingering in perpetual victim-hood is more profitable than acknowledging the evils of the past and celebrating equality.  Hiring quotas, state funding and grants, special laws, and public education policy was developed, presented, and adopted. Even in a workplace where women are equally represented in administrative roles, there is a pushed perceived inequality where women need extra assistance because of a belief in a patriarchal establishment akin to the Illuminati controlling all world governments.  Equal pay--despite laws for pay equality--rhetoric became the rallying cry of the left skewing data and misrepresenting statistics (Google video on Truth About The Wage Gap).  It's not just about sex and women either, but I'll stop here.  It's a mad time to be a White Male in the Westen world, where other demographic groups are used to fill opportunities and White Males are given what is left over because they enjoy Privilege.

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