Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Frog and The Scorpion

You just can't help but get a dig in at Doug Ford.  😐  I wish we could keep politics out of Church. It was supposed to be an informative charity pitch, and I was with you until the Ford bashing.

To be fair, the cuts are necessary because of the Liberals.  They were not good stewards.  They not only spent every cent that they took from us in taxes, they borrowed more money to spend to buy votes from the electorate.  We have no choice but to cut now.  We have to be responsible, or there will be no money later for what we need.  If I have $75 in interest payments on my Mastercard every month, that's $75 less I have to spend on pizza, work boots, rent, etc...  As it is now, the INTEREST on the Ontario debt--the fv3 <ing interest--would build a new hospital in the province every 90 days.  We have to make cuts.  We've been irresponsible.  And...AND!, we're passing the bill to our fv3 <ing kids!  We can live comfortably with all the services we want--they won't be able to--and they will pick up our bill for us.  How selfish is that?  I've been told that it is the fourth budget line item!  Interest on the debt!

P.S.  Search my blog for "Ahh".

Fast-forward to 0:50

My favorite hymn for Evening Prayer, it reminds me of St. Gregory's Abbey.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Monday, May 6, 2019

Opus Dei

I keep thinking of the Opus Dei organization.  The idea of dedicating your work to God is appealing.  It's hard for a widget maker to find good in my work, especially considering work sanctified.  It's easier if you help people I think.  How do you sanctify all work?

Sunday, May 5, 2019


Psalm 25 wasn't the only scripture to get my attention today, although the psalm hit very close to home.  In reading about the food God sent the Hebrews in the desert, I picked up on something that I hadn't noticed before.  At least, I don't remember it.  I know that if they tried to save what they gathered that it would spoil on the second day.  What I learned was that they had to gather double on the day before the Sabbath.  It was to be a day of rest dedicated to God, and they were not to work--even by gathering food.  The food gathered before the Sabbath did not spoil.

I can feel the lump in my throat and I just want to cry and cry and cry.

Psalm 25:17 NIV

Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish. shared Psalm 25:17 NIV with you from To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from, click here.

Plants and Their Branches

When your children are hurting,  you hurt too.


I was fortunate last Sunday, surrounded by people I care about.  In a sparsely populated Church, the pews around me were packed in a cluster like I was the nucleus.  I had my wife and goddaughter to my left, my folks to my right, and a friend in the pew in front of me with two of his friends.  It was a nice feeling, even for someone with a rough abrasive exterior akin to John The Baptist.  

Friday, May 3, 2019

Jesus Food

What would your diet consist of if you could only eat things that Jesus names/talks about in the Bible?  Figs, wine, bread, what else could you eat?


Sociology is Evil

Contrived Grievances

For most of civilization, women were subservient.  They were property.  They were kept down by society, not men.  Many women didn't want the right to vote (responsibilities came with that right), nor did they want to work outside the home in the "man's" world.  Many did not think it even possible.  Women's suffrage raised women up.  They were given the right to vote.  Anti-discrimination laws were written for the work place.  Equal pay laws were passed.  They were given equal rights under the law.  For a time, we enjoyed equality.  But, the pendulum kept moving to the left, not stopping in the middle.  Empowered women were now victims again.  Untested unquestionable manufactured theories were produced, implemented, and enforced.  Terminology like Toxic Masculinity, Benevolent Sexism, and Unconscious Bias became just some of the weapons of the left to seek special rights and privileges, over and above equality, is something called equity.  I guess lingering in perpetual victim-hood is more profitable than acknowledging the evils of the past and celebrating equality.  Hiring quotas, state funding and grants, special laws, and public education policy was developed, presented, and adopted. Even in a workplace where women are equally represented in administrative roles, there is a pushed perceived inequality where women need extra assistance because of a belief in a patriarchal establishment akin to the Illuminati controlling all world governments.  Equal pay--despite laws for pay equality--rhetoric became the rallying cry of the left skewing data and misrepresenting statistics (Google video on Truth About The Wage Gap).  It's not just about sex and women either, but I'll stop here.  It's a mad time to be a White Male in the Westen world, where other demographic groups are used to fill opportunities and White Males are given what is left over because they enjoy Privilege.