Monday, July 30, 2018

If you pull the wings off a fly, is it then a walk?

I did something barbaric yesterday, kind of by accident.  Mom hosted a corn boil and invited the neighborhood.  There were flies flying around the food on the tables.  I had the BBQ lighter in my hand and a fly landed on the table in front of me.  I pointed it at the fly, moved it closer, and clicked it.  I fully expected the fly to fly off unharmed.  I was just just goofing around with the lighter, pretending to light Mom's, Cindy's, and Paul's arms earlier.  To my horror, the fly was suddenly alight and writhing in pain.  I swatted him to kill him immediately.  I felt instantly evil, and imagined myself no better than the ruthless ignorant children (or future serial killers) who fry ants with a magnifying glass and take pleasure in the poor creature's suffering.  I felt guilty for the split second thoughtless act and odd at the same time for feeling so; I would have thought no more for swatting it in the first place.  Am I nuts; or, am I on the right track?


More & More Strange Dreams

So, for the last three nights, I have had strange dreams.  The first two nights, I dreamed about Donald Trump.  He was a very nice man and funny.  Nothing too out of the ordinary there, other than, I had the dream two nights in a row.  Last night however, I dreamed that I was attacked by a Succubus.  She looked like Mystique from X-Men, except very dark (navy blue?).  She was very attractive and was trying to seduce me.  For some reason, my wife was in the next room; doing what, I don't know.  I tried to kill the succubus; I ran her through at least three times with an ebony blade, a cavalry saber.  I buried it to the hilt in her abdomen.  It didn't seem to harm or anger her.  I very much wanted to sleep with her.  Then she took my cell phone and was texting Cindy that I was cheating on her.  I awoke and so the dream ended.


Saturday, July 21, 2018

The One Sin That Can Not Be Forgiven

For a long time, I wasn't sure what it meant to blaspheme the Holy Spirit, or I thought it might be to insult the Holy Spirit. I've heard many different interpretations, including evangelical preachers saying that it was to commit the same sins over and over again--which doesn't follow for me. Some weeks ago, at a Sunday morning service, it was in the Gospel reading and I think I got it. It seems to have been in front of my face the whole time, meant to be taken at face value in the contest of the story in that Gospel reading; Jesus miracles being accused of being of the Devil was in fact blaspheming the Holy Spirit. That which is of the Spirit being labeled as of the Devil was to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. I think I got it now.


When a batter can't hit the curve ball, we don't blame White Privilege. Why do we when somebody is shot breaking and entering?

P.S. This is why I love baseball.

Gun Debate


On Wednesday morning I had a scare; I woke up, went down stairs, and ccouldn't get me eyes to focus.  I could see the leaves outside sharp.  But, I couldn't see stuff on the kitchen counter clear.  I know that eye sight deteriorates over time, but it shouldn't change in one day.  It has been fine since then.  I'm not sure what happened.