Wednesday, July 6, 2016


As I prayed The Lord's Prayer today, I was conscious that when I prayed for my daily bread, I was praying to be given only the bread I need; maybe it's my new diet, or the realization that I don't need a lot of what I eat.  But,  I don't think that was the original intent, that being that we don't go hungry.  Maybe that's why I haven't ever won the lottery.   I don't need 50 million dollars.  Still, it sure would be nice to not have to work anymore.  It's not that I need to put my trust in money because I don't know where my next meal is coming from.  I just want to not have to work for my supper, or at least work at the things I want to work at rather than at a job.  Spending my days and weeks doing charity work and creating employment for others is my 649 dream.

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