Sunday, July 31, 2016


I had a bout with the NDD again today.  I prayed.

Saturday, July 30, 2016


Chivalry may be dead,  but feminism murdered it.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Sleep Better

Broken sleep is the absolute worst.

I slept for 2h  9min with a sleep efficiency of 92% last night. How did you sleep? Learn more with #Runtastic #SleepBetter

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Tuesday, July 26, 2016


The noon day demon has been attacking furiously in the last two days.

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Psalms 119:63 jumped out at me.  Who do I befriend?   Those who fear the LORD.

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Jesus's parable of the workers who come late and receive the same full day's pay got me thinking.  Should we complain about the lazy if we get what we work for?  Is it right to turn and take advantage of the chance to work half days in the future for a full day's pay?

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Some of the best money I've ever spent was buying a dog.

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Sunday, July 24, 2016


The Natives fight for their reserve rights.   It's ironic.  It's not a right.   Europeans confined them there.  The greatest method of subjugation is not occupation.  It's socialism.  It's debilitating.

General Synod Vote

I would have voted for the motion, begrudgingly.   That being said, what was my reaction?   Well, when I heard that it failed by one vote I was disappointed.   I was disappointed for all the people who had so much invested emotionally,  who would be hurt.  When I later heard that the motion had passed by one vote, I was upset for what the future will bring for the dissenters.   They will be disenfranchised.   I'm afraid that some will be pressured against their conscience under threat of penalty.  It's really loose/loose and Satan is loving it all.
The day of the results from the vote, I drove by a billboard ad that said, "Don't tear down a fence until you know why it was put up first."  An omen? 

Mind Going

I had something very strange happen today.  I went out to the Boar's Head for lunch with Paul.  I was asked if I wanted gravy, mushrooms, and cheese on my fries to which I replied, "No, just groceries."  We all had a good laugh at my expense.  Then, when she brought over the condiments, she said, "Here's your groceries."  I laughed.  But, then I started thinking.  I've heard that, with alzheimer for instance, one of the first signs of the sickness is that one forgets the names of objects.  Now, I didn't forget, and even corrected myself, but I got it totally wrong and all the way out of my mouth before I could stop myself.  Yes, groceries, one of the three ingredients in poutine. 

Why can't we be civil?

In times of civil strife in days gone by, great men would speak to the public and appeal for peace.  In the 21st century,  people are stired up by spin doctors for political expedience with much collateral damage (violence).

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016


As I prayed The Lord's Prayer today, I was conscious that when I prayed for my daily bread, I was praying to be given only the bread I need; maybe it's my new diet, or the realization that I don't need a lot of what I eat.  But,  I don't think that was the original intent, that being that we don't go hungry.  Maybe that's why I haven't ever won the lottery.   I don't need 50 million dollars.  Still, it sure would be nice to not have to work anymore.  It's not that I need to put my trust in money because I don't know where my next meal is coming from.  I just want to not have to work for my supper, or at least work at the things I want to work at rather than at a job.  Spending my days and weeks doing charity work and creating employment for others is my 649 dream.

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As I chanted Psalm 30 today, verses 1-3 jumped out at me big time.   I was drawn to the thought of how I didn't have to pay the piper, and how that must have been His mercy.

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Psalm 26 is a little unnerving with it's request to test me.  I don't want to be tested!

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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

All Things

The greatest challenge for the predominantly liberal clergy of the twenty first century will be to be all things to all men.

Cutrently most of them only know how to make the Church fit well into society.

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California Compliant

When I hear the tern Calfornia compliant, my mind sees police state vs natural rights.

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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Dominion Day

I had trouble being patriotic on Canada Day.  I don't like what Canada has become/is becoming.  I like what Canada was.