Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Psalm 38 GNT from Bible Gateway

Psalm 38 GNT

O Lord, don't punish me in your anger! You have wounded me with your arrows; you have struck me down. Because of your anger, I am in great pain; my whole body is diseased because of my sins. I am drowning in the flood of my sins; they are a burden too heavy to bear. Because I have been foolish, my sores stink and rot. I am bent over, I am crushed; I mourn all day long. I am burning with fever and I am near death. I am worn out and utterly crushed; my heart is troubled, and I…

wramier@yahoo.com shared Psalm 38 GNT with you from BibleGateway.com. To sign up for daily verses, devotions, and Bible readings from BibleGateway.com, click here.

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