Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Bigot? Again?

Can we be Christian and not judgmental?  Certainly not by society's standards, to believe in one god to the exclusion of all others is akin to some kind of racism.  If you belong to a polytheistic faith, then this is my god and this is your god and everything is good.  If you belong to a monotheistic faith with a belief in one true god, and that you are to worship no other, then you are closed minded.  Going back to my 11th commandment, I'd like to state that I'm not advocating for restrictions on how people worship (or who)?  All I'm saying is that I believe in one true God to the exclusion of all others, for me.  Me.  And, if that makes me a bigot...so be it.  Pax

"Jesus answered him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one goes to the Father except by me.'" John 14:6 (Good News Version)

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