Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Look @ 'em Differently

Back in my boy scout dreaming of law enforcement career days, I really had a strong dislike for Anarchists.  Yes, they are rebels, but they represented all that was anti establishment to me.  And, I was very much pro establishment.  They're still rebels, but different.  I guess it's too much of a good thing.  See, I'm a conservative with libertarian leanings.  True, college started me on the road to conservatism even as I was so pro establishment.  I still kind of am.  But, I'm big on civil liberties even as I am pro rule of law.  I'm a paradox, a conundrum.  So, while I believe in small government and personal freedoms, anarchy goes too far.  Under social contract theory, we surrender some of our natural rights to be governed for mutual benefit.  This, I recognize, is necessary.  So, Anarchists are still rebels, but now it seems more like they are anti red tape liberal than just anti establishment.  And, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, no?

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