Saturday, June 29, 2013

Bigger Person

Sometimes people on the outside looking in--with inside information--think enemies getting along at Church are being fake to each other.  Maybe they're being sold short.  Jesus did tell us to love our neighbour and pray for our enemies.  So, is it so wrong to make your best effort to be pleasant to those you don't like in the house of God?  Does that make you a hypocrite, or a bigger person?

Men Are Evil

I hate Violence Against Women campaigns because they target men as offenders. I have done nothing wrong.  Why can't we campaign against domestic violence?  Why do we have to single out a group of people as bad guys?

Friday, June 28, 2013

Planets and Atoms

I remember once in high school I suggested in physics class that the planets might be particles in something larger.  My physics teacher had a reaction akin to a priest being told that Jesus was the antichrist.  I never understood why.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Is it going to help or is it going to hurt? It annoys me when people say, "They deserve to know the truth."  To what end, so you can have drama?

Monday, June 24, 2013


Beware of frienemies.

Friday, June 21, 2013


Of all the things thrown at me today, the one that I couldn't handle was being torpedoed by a friend.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Justify It!

Have you ever been refused a job because of your skin colour, because I have. Any excuse you use justifies discrimination.

Apartheid Okay?

If discriminating against a majority is okay, why was the South African Apartheid wrong?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Hire Me First I Have a P3n1$

If discrimination is wrong, what makes it okay? The Premier of Ontario has announced a proposed law to force private employers to hire an equal number of women.  I thought 51% of the population was female?   Does this go for men too?  Are they going to force hospitals to stop hiring women nurses until the number of men is equal?  I wouldn't mind being a law clerk or court recording monitor.  Are they going to hire me before a qualified woman?  Should they?

Thursday, June 13, 2013

TBTG 4 Better Days

Thanks be to God for better days.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Kinder Cult

George Carlin hit the nail on the head when he said we are engaging in child worship. Goggle it.

I'm Not Broken

Before introverts were recognized as a normal personality type, people tried to fix them. It's the same now with conservatives.  Don't fix me.


It sickens me when liberals make the case that Jesus was a socialist. Jesus was a carpenter.  He was a skilled contractor capitalist who offered goods and services for monetary compensation in a primitive free market economy, Who also happened to recognize that there were people less fortunate on whom He was moved to spend money on.  Small business owner?  Fiscal conservative?  Oh yeah, he also hung around with fishermen who worked the sea and sold their catch...FOR CASH!  You didn't think they ate all those fish, did you?  Sure, they shared their blessings; but, nobody forced them to.  And, St. Paul said that if you don't work you won't eat; look it up.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Do You Hear Me?

The funny (not funny ha ha) thing is that a liberal won't be able to read my blog and understand it.  Because, as soon as they detect the slightest hint of conservatism, a mental block will go up.  They will listen but not hear.  I hear what they're saying, that we have to give more to those who they think are at a social disadvantage so that they do have an equal chance.  I hear it, and I disagree.  Stop treating people differently.  If we started treating everybody the same, then we all would be on an equal playing field.  Tit for tat, eye for eye righting of wrongs of the past is not fair to the evil white male majority.  I have felt the painful claws of discrimination first hand.  I can tell you that it didn't make me feel any less angry knowing that some non white person was given the job I was qualified for because their father and grandfather had not been.  We can't right wrongs with wrongs.  Dr. King said that he dreamed of a time when people would not be judged by the colour of their skin.  Handing out money creates people who become dependent; it enslaves them.  They become institutionalized.  Socialism and quotas are not the answer to social justice (I hate that term now) issues.

Or (because my white ancestors treated my native ancestors so despicably), we could plow the cities of North America under and send all the white people back to Europe, all the black people back to Africa, Israel for the Jews--Arabs to Arabia, kick all the French out of France and give it back to the Franks, remove the Turks from Turkey and give it back to the Greeks, remove the Spanish from Spain and hand it back to the Moors, and I don't know where the women go.  How can we unwrong them?

Cell Phones Are Evil

Unplug people! Geez! We all have ADD!  Bishop Terry was right; cell phones are evil. I'll say it again:  The Desert Fathers had it right.


Things are changing. I can see it.  The folks might be moving away again. Chandra will be off to school in under a year.  This frees me up for change.  I don't know why God called me to St. Paul's--and I do believe that He called me there.  I can't see rhyme nor reason as they say.  With the Church and I on diverging paths (they say they want diversity, but in reality they want only people who think like they do), and all the lip service paid to tolerance, it will become increasingly difficult to stay in a Church that doesn't really want me.  Oh, sure, whey want me in the pew; but, they want me far from the reins of power.  Where now LORD?

Sailor at Heart

I think that I was born with the soul of a sailor.

Hard to See the Dark Side is?

They say the greatest trick The Devil ever pulled off was to convince the world he doesn't exist.  Similarly, I wonder if true evil (the spiritual evil that leads to our evil acts) becomes harder to see the more evil we become.

Sub Hunter

One Sunday after Church, Cindy and I went out for lunch to a fish place.  As we were getting up to leave, an old guy (late 80s I'm thinking) said, "Excuse me, what's that button," referring to my Bishop's award.  I told him what it was, that I didn't deserve it but they gave it to me anyway.  He said that he thought it was an anchor and that I might be a sailor, to which I replied that I wished I was.  His wife said at this point that her husband was in the navy in the UK.  I replied, "You were in the Royal Navy then!"  I asked him when and he said '43 'till the end of the war.  I then asked him what ship, and he named a destroyer, said he was stationed in the Indian Ocean.  I foolishly said that I didn't know that we--allied forces--operated in the Indian Ocean (which I much later realized that I did know).  He explained that they were hunting subs.  I asked him if they had a carrier--which must have irked a destroyer sailor from the lower deck--to which he replied that they did.  All this happened as the waitress was impatiently waiting to get by to give somebody their bill or something.  The last thing I said before I turned and walked away was, "Thank you for your service!"  He looked genuinely shocked.  I hope I made his day.  God bless our veterans.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


I really hate how social media censors opinions that aren't politically correct or don't fit with their left leaning agenda; it's not just the media and the education system that have a left leaning bias. 


Do we want equality, or special rights for certain people?


You know why I don't like feminists? They don't want equality. They want special rights. Extra rights.


In a long running adversarial situation--perceived or real--both sides fight for the upper hand, believing that fighting for equality will be relenting (causing them to loose ground).


It's appalling that we force natives to live out their lives in poverty confined on reserves, with no option to integrate.

Fighting for Civil Rights?

Reading the Dr. King post, I recall I posted some time ago about Dr. King's statement about judging by skin colour and not personal character, and it seems to have disappeared.  Was he fighting for civil rights in principal, or only for blacks?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Dr. King

What did Dr. King mean when he spoke of not judging by the colour of somebody's skin?  Down with whitie?


There are actually many different kinds of conservatives:  religious conservatives; social conservatives; business conservatives; traditionalists; libertarians; fiscal conservatives; and many more.


It doesn't make you a bigot because you believe that everybody should be treated equally.


Is discrimination wrong, yes or no? Then how can you justify quotas?

Monday, June 3, 2013

Two Conservatives

There are two types of conservative, those who are intelligent and see that socialism doesn't work and that liberals exploit the emotions of the have nots who are too lazy to better themselves by earning the things they covet belonging to those they envy, and bigots who reinforce liberals' propaganda by mascaraing as true conservatives.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Everybody Wants to Sing the Blues

When I was in college, we talked a little about youth offenders who came from good homes and a good life.  I didn't understand it, really, at the time.  Without something, some pain, to push somebody to--or to justify--some evil, I didn't get it.  Well, after having witnessed it first hand, I don't understand it any better; however, I believe now that there is a human condition to seek out pain and suffering, sick as it sounds.  We want to know pain and suffering.  That's why we rush to accident scenes.  That's why we are attracted to drama or create it.  We all seek to be special, to have our unique condition.  I'm allergic to lilac bushes.  I have a sore back.  I'm depressed.  I need my meds.  I'm whatever.  To invoke pity in others?  To have attention?  We're addicted to the feeling?  We're controlled by the learned behavior?  Is it Freudian psychosomatic, caused by guilt etc...?  It's why we watch sad movies.  It's why we take sick pleasure in the suffering of others.  If we don't have problems in our lives, we create them so that we can sing the blues.  It's sick.  Now, prove me wrong.  No, no, I don't want your opinion.  Don't tell me that you believe that life is full of unicorns and rainbows.  Prove me wrong.