Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I have been thinking lately about how republican/liberal/atheist forces use the guise of political correctness and tolerance to crush religion, culture, and our heritage. For instance, removing the Lord's Prayer from schools to accommodate new comers to our country, why can't we accommodate them by teaching their religion? It's not that hard. When I was a kid in public school in Quebec, the Protestant kids had MRE and the Catholic kids had MRI. We were sent off to our own unique classes. It's like in high school how some kids take math, while others choose drama. Why can't Muslim kids receive Muslim instruction in public school while Christian kids receive Christian instruction? Is it so that there are no divisions and we're all treated the same, as one big happy family? Well, we're supposed to be a mosaic society! Wake up people. Celebrate, and teach, our moral and religious values to our kids in school; that's where they learn. But no, the atheists and liberals won't have it. Because, it was never about tolerance. That's just the mask they hide behind. Half the reason it's not important to so many is that they were schooled without it. The anti heritage are winning. Wake up!

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