Thursday, October 4, 2012

Church Change

Numbers are dwindling. That's a fact they tell me. This fact spurs the Church leaders into action. Is their action to preserve the culture and tradition of the Church? No, it is to preserve the institution, to fill the pews. They preach change is good. Fill the pews, save the Church. "The hymns are old," they say. "The liturgy is dead," they lament. "The service is long, and boring, and rigid," they whine. So, are they looking to save the Church or the church? Is it the worship style and doctrine they will change, or the people in the pew. Because, it's the kind of people in the pew that are shrinking in number. They are seeking a different kind of people. You know, it's the structure and time tested worship of the Anglican Church that attracted me to it. If I wanted to be fill in the blank I'd go to their Church now. Maybe the Church leaders would be happier there now.

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