Saturday, October 13, 2012


I was at a wedding last weekend, and I thought about how some women dress. I even heard one woman say, "Well, you know what I always say: If you got it, flaunt it." It bothers me when women wear low cut tops to things like weddings or to Church. There are places they shouldn't dress like that, like work. I don't like to see it anytime in public. I find I'm always having to make a conscious effort to avert my eyes. It's awkward and I shouldn't be put in that position. Some women will actually say, "Hello! I'm up here," if you're caught looking. But really, there'd be no difference if I was to wear shorts that ended just above the bottom of my balls, maybe by half an inch. "Hello ladies! I'm up here!" They're sexual organs. It's normal for men (straight ones anyway) to be aroused when seeing a woman's sexual organs exposed. Sorry, can't help it. And, there should be places where that's not okay, like weddings, worship services, and the workplace, especially in light of the stressed importance of sensitivity training and the awareness placed on sexual harassment in the workplace (which can even be looking you know).  Public places are not The Brass Pole, and I don't want to feel like they are.

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