Saturday, October 13, 2012

Good Wolf

I am not a hypocrite; today I'm choosing to feed the good wolf.

Death, Money, & Resurrection

Why is it that it seems every time I read a Psalm, it see it for the first time?  I was reading Psalm 49 not all that long ago.  I could see all this imagery of people hording their money, and not being able to take it with them, of never being able to have enough to pay the ransom for our lives, of why we need Jesus.  I could see the resurrection and the next world.  This scripture must have caused many arguments in Jesus' time between the Pharisees and the Sadducees. 


I was at a wedding last weekend, and I thought about how some women dress. I even heard one woman say, "Well, you know what I always say: If you got it, flaunt it." It bothers me when women wear low cut tops to things like weddings or to Church. There are places they shouldn't dress like that, like work. I don't like to see it anytime in public. I find I'm always having to make a conscious effort to avert my eyes. It's awkward and I shouldn't be put in that position. Some women will actually say, "Hello! I'm up here," if you're caught looking. But really, there'd be no difference if I was to wear shorts that ended just above the bottom of my balls, maybe by half an inch. "Hello ladies! I'm up here!" They're sexual organs. It's normal for men (straight ones anyway) to be aroused when seeing a woman's sexual organs exposed. Sorry, can't help it. And, there should be places where that's not okay, like weddings, worship services, and the workplace, especially in light of the stressed importance of sensitivity training and the awareness placed on sexual harassment in the workplace (which can even be looking you know).  Public places are not The Brass Pole, and I don't want to feel like they are.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Church Change

Numbers are dwindling. That's a fact they tell me. This fact spurs the Church leaders into action. Is their action to preserve the culture and tradition of the Church? No, it is to preserve the institution, to fill the pews. They preach change is good. Fill the pews, save the Church. "The hymns are old," they say. "The liturgy is dead," they lament. "The service is long, and boring, and rigid," they whine. So, are they looking to save the Church or the church? Is it the worship style and doctrine they will change, or the people in the pew. Because, it's the kind of people in the pew that are shrinking in number. They are seeking a different kind of people. You know, it's the structure and time tested worship of the Anglican Church that attracted me to it. If I wanted to be fill in the blank I'd go to their Church now. Maybe the Church leaders would be happier there now.


I have observed that the people who say they have no regrets are those who have done whatever they wanted to do, and don't want me to judge them.  Those who have sacrificed are the only ones I know with regrets.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I have been thinking lately about how republican/liberal/atheist forces use the guise of political correctness and tolerance to crush religion, culture, and our heritage. For instance, removing the Lord's Prayer from schools to accommodate new comers to our country, why can't we accommodate them by teaching their religion? It's not that hard. When I was a kid in public school in Quebec, the Protestant kids had MRE and the Catholic kids had MRI. We were sent off to our own unique classes. It's like in high school how some kids take math, while others choose drama. Why can't Muslim kids receive Muslim instruction in public school while Christian kids receive Christian instruction? Is it so that there are no divisions and we're all treated the same, as one big happy family? Well, we're supposed to be a mosaic society! Wake up people. Celebrate, and teach, our moral and religious values to our kids in school; that's where they learn. But no, the atheists and liberals won't have it. Because, it was never about tolerance. That's just the mask they hide behind. Half the reason it's not important to so many is that they were schooled without it. The anti heritage are winning. Wake up!


I was thinking about how everything in our society has been turned upside down.  It's like that robocop movie where he tries to reason with the criminal who is shooting at him, and then shoots at the person for smoking a cigarette.  You go to jail for leaving your dog in the car on a hot summer day, but walk away scott free for murdering an unborn baby.  You loose your job for expressing your religious beliefs about sexual orientation, but a man is allowed to own child porn because it is his constitutional right.  You can be fined for kicking a dog, and sued for defending your home.  We are forced to be tolerant of others' cultures, but can't say the Lord's Prayer in school or the workplace.  Am I crazy, or does this all sound wrong to anybody else?