Saturday, August 4, 2012

SSM and Me

I was thinking about my stance on SSM; it certainly would appear to the reader that I have changed my position on the issue. To my evangelical friends, I suppose I have fallen into error. To my gay friends, I suppose I am still a bigot. Is it wrong? Well, the Bible says that it is. But, it's not black and white. Lots of things are wrong. Working on Sunday is wrong, a sin. Not tithing is wrong. It is wrong to lie; everybody does it. It is wrong to have sexual fantasies about a married person, or about a person other than your spouse if you are married, a sin; try not to. Are we all going to hell? Well, if you believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord, the only Son of God, sent to die for your sins and raised from the dead, and follow Him, His examples and His teachings, you will be saved. As I have said many times in my blog, St. Paul says both that Jesus freed us from the law and that sin is perpetual (when the converted St. Paul writes that he continues to do the evil he does not want to do). So, has my view been changed by society, by pressure, by people close to me coming out of the closet? Or, did God put those things in my path to teach me not to judge, to shape me....

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