Monday, August 6, 2012


It's been a long, hot, dry summer, almost a drought. I usually take the summer off Church, always have since Chandra was a baby (no Sunday School). I went yesterday, and the rain came down hard during the service. Can you see a parallel?

The Law

The law only serves to condemn us. We can't keep it. What did Jesus do to the woman caught in adultery that the religious authorities wanted to stone? He let her go. We should do the same.

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Forgive is a word that is thrown around by people who are looking for it, not so much by people who should be handing it out.

Anti Church Hate

The hate atheists have surprises me. They claim--some of them--that it's not hate; they just think religion is silly and pointless. But then you see the seething hate. I don't believe in Santa, but I don't direct hate toward those who do (children or those who are special needs). I was watching a TV talk show host debating with an atheist. When asked why he hated Christians, he replied that he didn't; you can worship God or Santa or the flying spaghetti monster. His answer betrayed his hate as he was denying the hate and insulting and belittling Christians in the same breath. The TV host replied that when an adult believes in Santa, we assume mental illness; we don't do that with belief in God. Some very smart people of faith have been kicking around, like C.S. Lewis.

If it is Wrong, it is Always Wrong

A Facebook friend posted a status update that said white people wouldn't dare have a bumper sticker that said, "I'm white and proud," or "White Pride". It's part of the great white guilt. It's a double standard. It kind of reminds me of something a feminist I know said, about how equality doesn't mean treating everybody equal. It's just a way they can justify a behaviour they espouse to hate. Black slavery was justified by the false belief that they were sub human, and by the misuse of religion. Keeping women out of the military was justified by the false belief that they were too phically small to do the job. And this, this anti white male movement is an eye for an eye righting of wrongs way to justify the same behaviour, motivated by revenge.

SSM and Me

I was thinking about my stance on SSM; it certainly would appear to the reader that I have changed my position on the issue. To my evangelical friends, I suppose I have fallen into error. To my gay friends, I suppose I am still a bigot. Is it wrong? Well, the Bible says that it is. But, it's not black and white. Lots of things are wrong. Working on Sunday is wrong, a sin. Not tithing is wrong. It is wrong to lie; everybody does it. It is wrong to have sexual fantasies about a married person, or about a person other than your spouse if you are married, a sin; try not to. Are we all going to hell? Well, if you believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord, the only Son of God, sent to die for your sins and raised from the dead, and follow Him, His examples and His teachings, you will be saved. As I have said many times in my blog, St. Paul says both that Jesus freed us from the law and that sin is perpetual (when the converted St. Paul writes that he continues to do the evil he does not want to do). So, has my view been changed by society, by pressure, by people close to me coming out of the closet? Or, did God put those things in my path to teach me not to judge, to shape me....

Hammer Violence

A guy robbed the jewelry store in the mall in Stratford the other day with a hammer. I'm strongly thinking about starting a petition and then a lobby group to pressure the government to make hammers illegal. It's time we get hammers off the street. End hammer violence!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Double Talk

Double talk is so annoying.  The whole world is in denial. It's not shrinking, it's negative expansion. We have an inability to deal with the truth. You're not fat, you're overweight. He's not retarded, he's special needs. You didn't loose, you came in fourth place! Good try!