Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Red and Yellow, Black & White

Not too long ago, I was asking my daughter if she sang with her Sunday School kids. I think she said no. I said that we used to sing "Jesus Loves the Little Children." I began to sing it. She was horrified. Not by my singing, she was repulsed by the language. When did we make black, white, yellow, and red bad words? Native, Asian, African, Caucasian, doesn't fit. And caucasian doesn't rime with sight either. We make words bad. Retarded was never a bad word when I was a kid. We made it bad when we started to use it as an insult, used to belittle a person who did something stupid. My theory has always been that if you're not taking the LORD's name in vain, you're not swearing. It's just vulgar. There's a time and a place for that language, and you have to know the difference.

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