Wednesday, October 26, 2011


This is sad. This is not what I want. I don't like Rick; he's a liberal crusader. The story though is sad. I don't advocate persecution or bullying. The fact that this kid was pushed to the point of taking his own life is tragic. It can't be allowed to continue. Persecution is wrong. Gays should not be persecuted. Gay and lesbian people should be fully equal in society, as citizens of our great nation, with all the legal rights that go with it. All I want is my religious freedom for me and my Church, and the freedom and equality of all.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Acting Christian

C.S. Lewis, a 20th century Christian writer wrote something that caught my eye today. I'm reading The Screwtape Letters. I'm sure this won't be the last post from this book:

"All mortals tend to turn into the thing they are pretending to be. This is elementary."

Going it Alone

In Church today, parts of a prayer jumped out at me. On page 129 of the BAS, it says, in effect, that we need God's help; so true!

"We thank you also for those disappointments and failures that lead us to acknowledge our dependence on you alone."



I've probably already condemned myself in the eyes of every liberal and progressive out there, but an idea or thought that I had the other day deserves posting (even just for the sake of being honest).

I had a sort of epiphany, not to do with faith; I realized that I have a chip on my shoulder. I was at a Bible study at Church last week. The conversation turned down the women's rights/inclusion ideology path. I think it was person's day. There was mention that we should refer to God as mother (something that bothers me and makes me uncomfortable as I'm a bit of a literalist) more etc.... So, here it comes. Ready? I am so sick and tired of hearing how men kept/keep women down. When ever I hear it, it makes me resentful and angry. I want to lash out and strike back. These feelings are strong. I didn't do anything. I always promoted equality.

And, I understand where they are rooted; it's a feeling I have developed over time due to life experiences, such as dealing with people like my high school math teacher and also from missed opportunities because of affirmative action programs. I'll explain both a little in the following two paragraphs to give you a better view into my head.

I remember getting into an argument with a math teacher in high school, a teacher who later failed me with a grade of 49% I believe. God forgive me, but that lady was nasty. We got into a conversation one day about affirmative action programs (what does that have to do with math?) in our math class. I said, "But that's wrong!" She lamented how hard it had been for her to get a job as a high school teacher being a woman. She said something like, "Do you know how hard I had to fight?" My budding liberal mind (yes, yes, I was a liberal--green to boot) was horrified. How could anybody defend treating certain groups of people different? My view of modern Canadian society equality was shattered. She believed men should be denied the least until there was a balance, maybe longer. Society seemed to practice this; even in college it seemed like my instructors were all either old gray haired men or young women. I sometimes thought that we shouldn't put our names or age on resumes, just a number and qualifications. That's all they should be looking at anyway.

I have also had missed opportunities due to affirmative action programs, and it hurts. Even in college (which is where I suspect conservatism really took root), I watched as women were given two extra minutes for the OPC test timed mile and a half run. I always had a very hard time with the run, even when I was in shape. I remember thinking, "If they are saying that I have to be in at least this physical condition to be competent in the position, why do they have a lower standard? Are they not good police officers then?" Now, I said it at the time (I worked with women in the security field), and I'll say it again: Women are every bit as capable of doing the job as men. But, I could have used those two extra minutes man! If the job can be done by an officer who runs a 14 minute mile and a half, give me the extra time! I was actually turned away from the Toronto Police Service (after passing all the tests and doing all the paperwork) because of an affirmative action program. I swear to God. I still can't believe the officer said it to my face. Part of me now wonders if the officer in question was trying to incite me to file a complaint. But, I was not a boat rocker; I turned around and walked away. From the time I was a little boy, I knew I was going to be a police officer or a soldier.

Yeah, I'm angry. I'm p1$$ed. I have that chip there. I know it's there. Now, I have to try to act Christian and keep my friggen mouth shut. Ahhhh!

I even thought about getting my band card to gain employment as a minority; I thought, "No, I want to earn it." I was such a naive idiot! Now, my daughter, who I love dearly, has been told by me to fight for equality. Want some irony? I've also told her that there was a time when I would have told her not to use the fact that she was a woman to gain a position. But, I have told her, "Use what ever advantage you can and anything in your favor; don't even think about it."

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Reaching Out

I was thinking today; it's getting to the point where those who are pro gay marriage have taken over the Church. Maybe it's time they drop the hostile anti orthodox rhetoric and reach out to traditional Christians who are being persecuted and pushed out of the Church.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Free Speech

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Tolerance has become censorship. How did liberals go so wrong, and why are we as a society going down this road? Voltaire, the great liberal demigod, said that he would defend to the death your right to speak freely the things which he disagrees with.


I hate when people say "Christians are phony," or are putting on an act. It's not an act; it's an effort. As in, I'm making an effort to be what I am not--what I'm called to be. I'm not putting on an act. Give it a try.

Hard Words to Hear

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Two Masters

Sometimes I think that the liberals in the Church are serving two masters. They love their liberal ideals and hate God's law....


More on relativism, or not. I read a verse someone posted online a while back, and it spoke to me. It said, at the time, if something is wrong for you then it is a sin. So, I wanted to blog it here. I looked it up days later, and just didn't see that anymore. Not at all. But, here's the verse.

"So then, the person who does not do the good he knows he should do is guilty of sin." James 4:17 (TEV)

So, Voltaire is a plagiarist. :)

Gay Lunch

One of my crusading Facebook friends posted something the other day that I again found inflammatory. It said something like, "I support Gay Marriage, or as I like to call it, marriage; because, when two gays have lunch, it's not gay lunch. It's just lunch." I get the message, but it's not that easy. And, it makes me angry that they are so intolerant. So, is the Gay Pride Parade just Parade? Are gay rights activists fighting for gay rights, or just rights for all? I don't think this is really about civil rights; this is just about having the freedom to choose to live how ever you want to live. Don't hide behind civil rights. Gays are not a race or nationality. Maybe history will look back and label me a bigot, but there are truths here. The meaning of life, as my Darwinist friends like to believe, is to procreate. If this is true, then homosexuality is counterproductive. There's evidence to support people being genetically predisposed to being alcoholics. That doesn't then mean that it's good for people to drink their lives away. Nature says it's wrong, the Bible says it's wrong (according to some anyway), and most people feel it is wrong (although they are now too afraid to say so--you could loose your job). It's much like the Bolsheviks leading the communist revolution in Russia; nobody knew how close run a thing it actually was. They were in the minority, but they held all the power. I suspect that if we had a referendum, it would go the same way it did in California. And, they may even blame the "blacks" for it (which seems to be very ironic when fighting for "civil rights"). I don't know if it's genetic, biological, or learned behavior. I don't. I don't even believe 100% that it's wrong (for everybody) anymore; read my older posts. I don't even care if gay people want to live together and be "married". They should have all the legal rights (and tax breaks) of any other person. My feelings change though when we get into the area of the religious rite or sacrament of marriage. But, please, lets have dialog here; listen to and respect my beliefs before you just write me off as a bigot. Separate Church and state people.